The Children’s Ministry is designed for those who have not yet reached Middle or High School age. But it is so much more than just a Bible class project or babysitting service.
Our mission is to guide children in growing in their love and understanding of the Word of God as they learn to be faithful servants of the Lord. We do this through specialized Bible classes, Children’s Bible Hour and other events that shape our children spiritually, emotionally and physically.
As with our teens, these young people are a special resource that God has entrusted to our keeping. It is only through focused, specific instruction and tender loving care that they will develop the character that God has embedded within them. As we look to the future of the church, we understand that these are the Bible school teachers, the preachers, elders and deacons of the generations to come. It is imperative that we provide them and their parents with the proper tools so that they can realize and fulfill the role God has for them.
Specific needs include manpower to make sure our Bible classes continue. That means teachers for every classroom on both Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Melanie also needs someone to step up to the task of supervising the Children’s Bible Hour as well as helping in the realm of puppets, teacher assistants, crafters and other miscellaneous activities. No doubt she could use some chaperone help for those outings away from the building.
As with all of our ministries, specific prayer is requested for both the workers and the children. It would also be helpful to give the workers a “pat on the back” for the work they are doing with this most precious resource.
God has blessed our youth ministry with a very special leader. Melanie Nickeo is the Ministry Leader who has the responsibility of developing this ministry in its various forms. She is assisted by the older siblings, parents and grandparents of our children along with other concerned members who provide the guidance and opportunities for our children to become strong servant leaders and valuable citizens.
Meridian Woods has a network of various small groups meeting throughout the week. We call them “LIFE Groups”.
Through small groups people are able to participate more fully in:
L -Loving Relationships
I – Involvement in Ministry
F – Fellowship in the Word
E – Evangelism (Sharing the Good News)
Each LIFE Group provides a safe place for people to grow in meaningful relationships, to know one another, and be known, love one another and be loved, and celebrate one another and be celebrated.
LIFE groups offer the optimal conditions for life change. Here you will find how the Word of God applies to your particular situation. Here there is meaningful worship, mutual edification and support through a caring network of friends who love God.
Some of our LIFE Groups follow the themes that are presented at our Sunday Worship Service. Others focus on particular topics. As participants mature, discover and utilize their particular spiritual gifts and leadership skills, groups reproduce and their outreach expands.
If you have general questions about small groups or are interested in joining a group please contact our office.
Singles Conference – Niceville FL
February 15-17
Cost: $49
For more details see Randey Burnette
In a day and age when more women work outside the home than not it is vital to provide multiple opportunities for fellowship, spiritual development and relationship building. The church is the place designed for that purpose.
We are blessed at Meridian Woods with an active and diverse Women’s Ministry that strives to reach the needs of all our ladies. This ministry exists to build relationships among the women of the congregation and to strengthen unity and connection within the body of Christ. But it also serves as an outlet for developing relationships outside the body of Christ as a means of reaching our non-believer friends.
The goals of this ministry include, increasing the number of ladies who are involved in the many activities , building deep and lasting relationships, expanding the unity of women in other bodies of Christ throughout the region and creating an environment where non-Christians will feel comfortable taking part. Additional opportunities will certainly be presented that allow for mentoring, individual spiritual growth and activities designed to provide fun settings for fellowship and sharing.
Because of their unique place as wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters and confidants, our ladies need to be allowed the opportunity to fill their cups instead of constantly emptying them for others. The various aspects of the Women’s Ministry are designed to do just that.
A ladies’ Bible class meets Thursday mornings at 10:00. Call Colleen at (850) 363-4148 for location and more information.
Simply put…YOU. What is most needed is involvement from every lady, regardless of age or background. Everyone has a special talent that can be shared with the other women. Every individual is important to this ministry effort.
In particular we are looking for people to help coordinate the various special interest groups and activities that are part of our upcoming activities. But we also need constant prayers for individuals and the group.
Several ladies have stepped up to be leaders within this group. While we certainly can’t list them all here, Sabrina Melvin is a point of contact for the various activities. However, any of our ladies are more than willing to help guide you to a more satisfying and growth filled life in the body of Christ.
We often hear that the youth are the church of the future. However, what is really meant is that the youth are the future of the church. The fact is, our young people are a vibrant, vital part of the church today. Their needs are real and they are important.
We are blessed at Meridian Woods with a wonderful group of young people. They are cheerful, enthusiastic and excited about their service to God. But they are also in constant need of an ear to listen to their trials as they sort through how they fit in the great plan of God.
The purpose of our Youth Ministry is straight forward but challenging. Simply stated it is, “to provide overall care and spiritual development for the Meridian Woods youth through weekly Bible study, prayer, regular small group and specific events and activities designed to encourage individual and group growth.”
Our young people are a special resource that God has entrusted to our keeping. It is only through focused, specific instruction and tender loving care that they will develop the character that God has imbedded within them. As we look to the future of the church, we understand that these are the Bible school teachers, the preachers, elders and deacons of the next generation. It is imperative that we provide them and their parents with the proper tools so that they can realize and fulfill the role God has for them.
As with every ministry, the leaders cannot complete what we have undertaken without help from the rest of the members of the church. We need manpower to help transport and chaperone the various activities that are planned. We need other members to provide space in their homes for the youth to have devotionals and other activities. You can let us know if you’re willing to do that.
There is always a need for Bible class teachers, special financial help for scholarships and other events. Of course, everyone can spend time in prayer on our young people’s behalf.
The spiritual development of our young people has got to be a top priority. While our Youth Ministry can certainly assist in that development, the simple truth is they can’t do it alone. Parents, grandparents and other significant adults must be involved in reaching into their lives and helping equipping them to be faithful servants of God and His people.
No matter how old you are, you can be a positive influence in the life of one or more of our young people. Please, keep them in your prayers and reach out to become part of their lives as they strive to be righteous in a world full of darkness.
Bill & Lyuba are shipping winter clothing to Ukraine to a church of 25 people, who are hosting 1000 refugees. Coats, socks, and underwear would be greatly appreciated. Coats should be short, warm, and rain repellant if possible. All socks are good. Socks with cotton are better. Dark for men and any color for women. They are also in need of: flashlights, peanut butter, OTC cold medicines, pain relievers, toothpaste and tooth brushes. Please place all donations in the box, located in the information hallway. Thank you, Stephanie Samples, Jan Davis and Patrice Bidwell.